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[Pureumlnt] a special vist by our partner from China

조회수 363

Pureumlnt supplies a projector that we customized for our specific applications. In this regard, Mr.Tu visited us for the first time after all those years of doing business together. It is our honor to have them visit us to showcase their new product and possible collaboration going forward.

We want to take a moment to say thank you to Mr.Tu and Mr.Liu that came all the way to South Korea to visit us and a special thank you to our team having great time together during the meeting and dinner. We’ve made some great connections and look forward to some positive outcomes and the opportunity to strengthen our relationship even further.

To disscuss potential collaobration and showcase its new product, he came over to our Awesome Lab to implement the new initiative. 

Pureumlnt will continue to develop our product in collaboration with high tech companies to improve the performance of our product. We are committed to providing all customers with extremely satisfactory service.

We treated them a Korean BBQ. It was probably one of the healthiest filling meals that I have ever had. I hope Mr.Tu and Mr.Liu enjoyed it the same way.

Thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and stoked for more to come!

주식회사 푸름엘엔티

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(염창동, 우림블루나인비즈니스센터) 

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